What gaming platforms are supported by BattleKill?

Currently, BattleKill supports the PC and Mobile platforms

What games can I play on Ult


Kindly visit our Tournaments page to explore a full list of supported games and check back regularly as we are constantly adding more title to the list.

I can’t find my favorite game, how can I request for a specific game?

  • For your favorite game requests, you can  write to us at

Where can I get the latest information about BattleKill tournaments?

  • To get detail information on tournaments, visit our Tournaments page. A full list of live and upcoming tournaments is available here. You can also follow us on our social media handles:  Instagram, and YouTube to get updated on upcoming tournaments.

How do I Report my match score?

  • Players need to play their matches within the scheduled round-time and report the match score correctly within the scheduled time. A winner needs to submit a screenshot or image of the in-game scoreboard as proof, whereas the loser may upload or not as it’s optional for him.

How do I Submit an Evidence for the match?

  • To claim your win or for reporting an issue in a match, the player(s) must provide a valid screenshot or video which highlights the aforementioned issue to the Mail

My opponent has reported the wrong score, what can I do?

  • Report score is available for both players. You can report your own score and then the match result will go into arbitration. An admin will be assigned to your issue who will check both player’s score evidence and decide the winner.

When will I receive my winnings from a tournament?

  • Prizes will be transferred to the winner’s Paytm wallet within 24 hrs of the completion of the tournament. 

I haven’t received the prize money, what should I do?

  • In case you haven’t received the prize money in your Paytm Wallet even after 24hrs, you can contact Website Support Staff to resolve the issue.

What is a “platform fee”?

  • It is the amount charged for providing the users, the services where they can compete with other players and earn money.